The Fraser Family Album





These are maps of my ethnicity from three different genealogy web sites.



My first DNA results were received from Ancestry on 13 Dec 2023. My rather surprising ethnicity is:

England 45%
- East Anglia 34%: all Mum
- North West 11%: all Dad
Scotland 29%: Dad 23%, Mum 6%
Scandinavia 26%: Dad 16%, Mum 10%
- Denmark/Sweden 14%: Mum 10%, Dad 4%
- Norway and Iceland 12%: all Dad

My North West England ethnicity (11%)

My East Anglia ethnicity (34%)

My Scotland ethnicity (29%)

My Denmark and Sweden ethnicity  (14%)

My Norway and Iceland ethnicity (12%)

In the maps above the darker colours show areas with higher concentration levels of my DNA origins.

As you can see, no Welsh, no Irish, but 26% Scandinavian! I have thousands of matches on Ancestry (22,635!) but only six close matches, all female and all on my father’s side, two here in the UK and four in the USA.

Distribution of my Ancestry matches

Areas with most Ancestry matches

MyHeritage ethnicity

Distribution of MyHeritage matches

Areas with most MyHeritage matches


I have also uploaded my DNA to MyHeritage and found slightly different ethnicity and matches: English 53.9%, Scottish 34.3%, Iberian 9.3%, Finnish 2.5%. On MyHeritage there are 13,959 matches.

 FamilyTreeDNA/Living DNA/GenomeLink

There was no Irish ethnicity on Ancestry or MyHeritage, but on FamilyTreeDNA I am 19% Irish!

FamilyTreeDNA Ethnicity: England. Wales & Scotland: 66% (Scottish not separated), Irish 19%, Scandinavian 13%. The remaining 2% is split between Central Europe, Baltic and Malta, less than 1% each. On FamilyTreeDNA there are 3536 matches.

My ethnicity maps from FamilyTreeDNA, LivingDNA and GenomeLink

LivingDNA Ethnicity: Great Britain and Ireland 100% (no Scandinavian):
North West England 25.1%, East Anglia 24.4%, Cumbria 8.6%, Other England 24.5% (South England 5.2%, South Yorkshire 4.7%, North Yorkshire 4.4%, Cornwall 4.4%, South Central England 4.1%, Southeast England 1.7%).
Scotland 10.2% (North West Scotland 6.5%, Aberdeenshire 2.1%, Southwest Scotland/Northern Ireland 1.6%), Ireland 4%, Wales 3.1% (South Wales 1.6%, North Wales 1.5%).

The website My True Ancestry says my closest ancient roots are Norwegian Viking and Frankish!

Lindsey Fraser Baldwin, daughter of my first cousin Kenneth Fraser (1922-99), had her DNA tested previously and found links with several other Scottish clans including Morrison/Morison, MacDonald, MacLeod, Mackenzie and Mackay. Some of these links lead to the Hebrides as well as the north of the Scottish mainland. Through DNA Lindsey also discovered the true identity of the father of my great-grandfather James Sargeant (1838-1930), see the Sargeant Family Album.
